Dr Young Yu’s Cardiology Procedures Explainer Videos and Interviews

Cardiac Assessment including an Exercise Stress ECG

We see what’s involved in a cardiac assessment which includes an Exercise Stress Test ECG on a Treadmill, followed by a consultation with Dr Young Yu.

What new patients can expect

Dr Young Yu explains the process when he sees new patients - so you can be prepared and bring relevant documents and test results with you.


The Patient Journey - in the Cath Lab

Dr Young Yu goes on a tour of the Cath Lab, letting you know what patients can expect

Getting a CT Coronary Angiogram

An overview of a CTCA - from a patients’ point of view. We see what’s involved in the test and how the doctor reviews the results before the patient leaves the site.


Why did Dr Young Yu become a Cardiologist?

The Doctor with Heart, Dr Young Yu explains why he’s chosen cardiology to help patients.


Why second opinions are important for a cardiac patient

Dr Young Yu is often asked for a second opinion by patients who have been recently diagnosed with a heart condition.