Coronary Procedures

Implantable Device Insertion

There are many types of implantable medical device that are used to treat different heart conditions.

CT Coronary Angiogram

A computed tomography (CT) coronary angiogram is a special imaging test that looks at your heart’s arteries to see if they are narrowed or blocked.

Angioplasty (Stent Implantation)

Angioplasty is a procedure to increase blood flow through an artery, and is performed using a CT coronary angiogram, a special kind of x-ray that shows the arteries live on a screen.


Cardiac Ablation

Cardiac ablation is a surgical procedure used to correct heart rhythm problems (arrhythmias). It works by destroying the tissue in your heart that either triggers or suffers from the abnormal rhythm.


Cardioversion is a medical procedure by which an abnormal heart rhythm is returned to normal (sinus) rhythm.