Heart Conditions


Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a condition where the pressure of blood through the arteries is higher than normal.

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary artery disease happens when your coronary arteries get narrower when fatty material (plaque) builds up inside them.

Structural Heart Disease

Structural heart disease refers to many different conditions caused by defects or abnormalities in the heart.


Heart Failure

Heart failure describes when your heart is damaged and not pumping blood around your body effectively.

Atrial Fibrillation and Cardiac Arrythmias

Atrial fibrillation starts in the upper chambers of your heart (the atria) and causes them to quiver (fibrillate), instead of beating normally. It can feel like your heart is racing, thumping or skipping beats.

Chest Pain/ Angina

Angina is pain or discomfort in the chest caused because your heart muscle isn’t getting enough oxygen-rich blood. There are many types of angina.


Cardiovascular Risk Factors

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease are all the circumstances, medical conditions, habits and behaviours that increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease.